Preorder Trogdor!! The Board Game and Additional Add Ons-Estimated Shipping Date for everything below is June 2019. (All Wyrmwood Versions are Sold Out.)
Created by Homestar Runner & Harmless Junk, Inc.
Help the beefy-armed dragon Trogdor burninate the countryside in this cooperative game of burnination, majesty, and consummate V's!!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Mini Proofs, Strong Bad Stuffs, and Fluffy Puffs
about 6 years ago
– Wed, Nov 28, 2018 at 12:18:43 AM
Fellow Keepers of Trogdor,
Just a quick update to share some cool stuff! We got unpainted proofs of the plastic miniatures from the Deluxe version of the game and they look amazing! They still have all the character and detail of Rick Van Velsor's original sculpts but it's like someone clicked "enhance" a buncha times! Just like in the very realistic movies!
Remember, these are just UNPAINTED proofs. The final minis will be in glorious color.
Strong Bad finally turned in his optional "upgraded" Keeper and Item cards that will be included in every game. WARNING:playing with these cards may break the gameplay in awesome and hilarious ways. Use them at your own risk!
And last, in case you missed it, we enlisted terrifying marshmallow spokesperson Marshie to tell you all about the Stack em to the Heavens "minigame" that comes inside every box of Trogdor!! The Board Game.
Quick production update: we've sent everything to the manufacturer and await a full, boxed evaluation copy of the game! We will share pics and info like crazy as soon as we do!
Keep on Burninating On,
Mike, Missy, and Matt
Harmless Junk Inc. is the billing name for Trogdor!! The Board Game
about 6 years ago
– Thu, Nov 08, 2018 at 12:36:47 AM
Just a friendly reminder:
Harmless Junk, Inc. is Trogdor!! The Board Game's parent company. So if you see Harmless Junk show up on your credit card or paypal statements it's not a junkyard, it's us!
The last day to make final updates to your order and to order games is Wednesday 10/31. After this date, we will lock your reward selections.
And on Thursday 11/1 cards will be charged for add-ons, pledge upgrades, outstanding pre-orders and shipping.
On 11/2 we will be able to give the final count to Panda Games for manufacturing!
(Anyone not completing their surveys by the Wednesday deadline-can still do so -but their order may be delayed.)
As a reminder-you can update your shipping address right up until we lock addresses in the spring of next year. And no worries about remembering-we will send you another email at that time confirming your address is correct and reminding you to update it if necessary.
Onto some fun! Strong Sad is highlighting the wonderfully violent endgame of Trogdor! The Board Game. Check out Trogdor's Fiery Rage:
Also, the new Halloween cartoon is up! Maybe you'll enjoy it!
And of course, please feel free to contact us at any time through Kickstarter, BackerKit or at [email protected].
Keep On Burninating On!
-Missy, Mike and Matt
Quick Update - Livestream POSTPONED until after Halloween!
about 6 years ago
– Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 02:08:35 AM
Fellow Keepers of Trogdor,
Something's goin' around Free Country USA and Strong Bad's gotten himself a sore throat! We want to make sure everybody everybody's in tip-top shape for the Halloween cartoon. We're going to push the livestream -originally scheduled for Monday night 10/22 at 9pm EST- until after Halloween. Sorry for the change! New date and time coming soon.
Keep On Burninating On,
Missy, Matt, & Mike
Preorder Store Reminder and Halloween Silhouettes
over 6 years ago
– Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 02:35:38 AM
Fellow Keepers of Trogdor,
Hopefully you are all doing literally so great. We've been busy finalizing a few things so we can start production as soon as the preorder store closes. Some of this has been mentioned before -apologies for the repetition- but we wanted to make sure everybody's up to date.
REMINDER: The Preorder/Add On Store closes at Midnight on October 31st.
Your pledges and purchases will be locked-in after this point. So go ahead and buy those Homestar Meeples you've been eyeing and tell your friends that are on the fence that the opportunity is almost gone! Like burninated cottage thatch in the wind!
If you used a credit card you will be charged for your Add Ons/Preorders and shipping on November 1st.
92% of you backers have filled out your surveys! That's a grade A where I come from! But let's get that up to 100% and we can make it an A+!
We're doing another Kickstarter Liveplaythrough of the game with Mike, Lucky Yates, Strong Bad, and old-time Homestar Runner alum Ryan Sterritt on Monday October 22nd at 9pm! Strong Bad will be crowd sourcing all his moves in the game from the chat section!