
Preorder Trogdor!! The Board Game and Additional Add Ons-Estimated Shipping Date for everything below is June 2019. (All Wyrmwood Versions are Sold Out.)

Created by Homestar Runner & Harmless Junk, Inc.

Help the beefy-armed dragon Trogdor burninate the countryside in this cooperative game of burnination, majesty, and consummate V's!!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Latest Canadian Shipping Update 8/7/19
over 5 years ago – Thu, Aug 08, 2019 at 12:45:18 AM

Fellow Keepers of Trogdor,

Canadian shipping FINALLY  began a week late yesterday on August 6th and orders will continue to go out the rest of this week and possibly into the next.

The Canadian hub, Snakes & Lattes, is very backed up with clients and trying to make up for the delay so we can be closer to our original estimate from 2 weeks ago of all Canadian backers receiving shipping notices by August 12.

Remember that these notices will be going to the email address you used in BackerKit.

Again, we are so sorry it is taking so long and understand your frustration.

Thank you for everything. We are sincerely grateful for all of you.

Questions? contact us at [email protected].

-Matt, Missy, and Mike

Canadian Shipping Update + GenCon 2019
over 5 years ago – Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 12:36:16 AM

Fellow Keepers of Trogdor,


Last night we were informed that Snakes & Lattes, the fulfillment company handling Canadian shipping, has still not begun shipping orders but assures us that shipping will begin no later than Wednesday of this week (7/31) and that shipping may take two weeks depending on how many orders they can ship out a day (there are approximately 1600 Canadian orders). 

We are so sorry for this continued delay. This is such a bummer of a way to close out a campaign that you all have been so incredibly supportive of and patient with. Stick with us for just a little longer and we will get you the awesome stuff you helped bring into this world!

Many Toronto backers have asked if they can pick their games up directly from one of Snakes & Lattes' cafe locations but unfortunately this is not an option. Your orders would not be at one of these cafes but rather at their warehouse where the shipping delay is occurring. We also wish there were a quicker way to get your orders to you but currently there is not.


All US orders have been shipped (not necessarily received). You should receive an email notification from the carrier (FedEx, USPS, etc.) when your order is processed. Some backers have reported never receiving a notification. Please check your spam folders and be sure you are checking the email address you used for shipping in BackerKit (if different from Kickstarter).


Good news/bad-ish news. Good news: We will be at GenCon 2019 in Indianapolis this week! Mike, Matt, and Puppet Strong Bad will be demoing Trogdor!! The Board Game at the Greater Than Games booth (#1241) at various unscheduled times on Friday(8/2), Saturday(8/3), and Sunday(8/4). Please come by to play Trogdor or any of the other awesome games that Greater Than has to offer!

Bad-ish news: A limited quantity of Trogdor!! The Board Game will be for sale at GenCon at the very same Greater Than Games booth. This was arranged months ago when it seemed very likely that all backers would have their games well before GenCon. And until this latest shipping delay, we thought that at least all orders would be shipped before GenCon. 

We do not like that Trogdor will be available to the general public (even if it's specifically GenCon attendees) before all of our backers have their copies. You are the reason this board game exists and the last thing we want to do is make anyone feel unappreciated. 

If you are a backer who has NOT received their game and are also attending GenCon, please come find Mike and Matt to say what's up and we'll see if Puppet Strong Bad can entertain you as a small consolation to offset the sting of delay.

Feedback and Thanks

And last, to end on a positive note, we have been overwhelmed by your response to the game! After over a year with this project, we kinda forgot that hardly any of you have played it! It's so cool to learn that you might even like it! Thank you so much for all the feedback and photos and stories. 

It's been especially cool (and a little bit baffling!) to learn that this was some backers' first introduction to the world of Homestar Runner. How bizarre it must be to enter this weirdness from a fantasy/humor board game and then end up at something like Sweet Cuppin' Cakes! 

One more thing. There are no plans for these little guys, this is just laser cutter doodling, but we hate posting updates with no fun photos in them! 

Check out that double-beef peasant! Sounds like a special burger from the Peasantry Blubb-O's franchise!
Check out that double-beef peasant! Sounds like a special burger from the Peasantry Blubb-O's franchise!

As always, email us at [email protected] with any issues or questions.

Keep on Burninating On,

Matt, Mike, and Missy

Wyrmwood Consummate Delay
over 5 years ago – Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 09:25:03 AM

Consummate Tier backers,

We are super sorry to report a further delay from Wyrmwood on production of the Consummate boxes. Wyrmwood sincerely regrets this and Christopher Gates from the company will be reaching out to you all individually early this week to further explain and address any questions and concerns.

Please know that we all take very seriously the level of support you showed us in this campaign and want to deliver you a final product and customer experience that meets and exceeds that support. 

Thank you for your incredible support and continued patience,

Matt, Missy, and Mike

UPDATE on Canada Delay and Overall Shipping
over 5 years ago – Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 02:43:52 AM

Fellow Keepers of Trogdor,

Thank you everyone for your amazing patience!  Here's the run down of where things stand. 


We were in line behind some other games that took more time than expected but Snakes and Lattes has confirmed that they will begin fulfillment Monday 7/29. Shipping is estimated to take approximately 2 weeks. Please look for your tracking number to arrive in your email between Monday July 29th and Monday August 12th. 

Questions? Email us at [email protected] (provide the email and name associated with your BackerKit Account) and we can hunt down an answer for you. 


VFI confirmed tonight that next week they will send notifications to everyone and all shipments will be shipped out directly to each backer or to their local hub for VAT free shipping. 

Please email us at [email protected] if you have specific questions about an order in this region.


Meeple Logistics is finished with UK/EU fulfillment and has sent out all tracking emails. 

If you have not received a tracking number or have any other questions about your shipment please email [email protected]. Please provide the email and name associated with your BackerKit Account. 


Aetherworks is finished with AUS/NZ fulfillment and has sent out all tracking emails.

If you have not received a tracking number or have any other questions about your shipment please email [email protected]. Please provide the email and name associated with your BackerKit Account. 


Should be completely shipped out by the end of this week! So if you don't have a tracking number by Friday night  7/26 - but you know that you've done everything correctly please email [email protected] (don't forget to provide the email and name associated with your BackerKit Account).

If you have deeper issues, i.e. never provided an address in BackerKit or never paid the shipping in BackerKit (there are 476 of these types) please email us at [email protected] and we will be happy to help you out. 

Thank you all for rolling with this unexpected hiccup in shipping and for enduring two un-fun updates in a row. As a small consolation, take a look at this early prototype promo (promotype) we made last June (beware it's loud).  

In the immortal words of Teen Girl Squad as they fall to their dooms, "Look at how much we've grown!"

Keep on Burninating On,

Missy, Mike, and Matt

Canada Shipping Delayed
over 5 years ago – Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 03:27:51 AM

Fellow Keepers of Trogdor,  

We are really sorry!! We have just been told that Snakes and Lattes (the fulfillment company handling Canadian shipping) has NOT started shipping as we thought they were going to yesterday.   We do not know the details yet, but they are having a meeting tomorrow with Quartermaster to discuss the schedule-so we will send another update out at that time.   We anticipate that it will begin shipping early next week and take approximately one week for them to get all of the orders out-but we’ll know more tomorrow and pass on the details then.  

We know it’s been a long wait and we appreciate your continued patience and support.  Feel free to contact us at [email protected] with any questions you may have at any time.  

-Mike, Missy, & Matt