
Preorder Trogdor!! The Board Game and Additional Add Ons-Estimated Shipping Date for everything below is June 2019. (All Wyrmwood Versions are Sold Out.)

Created by Homestar Runner & Harmless Junk, Inc.

Help the beefy-armed dragon Trogdor burninate the countryside in this cooperative game of burnination, majesty, and consummate V's!!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Tabletop Simulator LIVE TODAY 4/17 plus Free Alternate Ruleset!
almost 5 years ago – Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 09:37:29 PM

Fellow Keepers of Tragdar (Trogdor),

We hope everyone is safe and healthy.

First up, super short notice but TODAY April 17 at 4pm EST Mike and Strong Bad will be playing Trogdor in Tabletop Simulator LIVE with the good folks from Greater Than Games! Tabletop Simulator, if you don't know, is an awesome way to play digital versions of board games with pals or rando's online! Come watch it devolve into Strong Bad making Mike nervous and flustered!

Watch the livestream via YouTube Live HERE! 

King Trogsgonzola Supreme! Don't eat his chicken wings!

The Book of Haldo ruleset (beta!)

If you find yourself at home playing lotsa board games, we've written some chaotic new Archer rules to spice up your rounds of Trogdor!! The Board Game! That's right, finally the Archer gets something real to do!   

We said "haldo" and we meant "haldo!"

Help us playtest these bananas new rules that let the Archer's arrows interact everything from Peasants to Knights to Tunnels! These are in-progress so expect updates/additions as we continue to test. Feel free to post your thoughts/issues in the comments here so we can use your feedback! Get the rules HERE!

Just a taste of the chaos the Archer twins have in store!

And finally, Strong Bad got so psyched about these new rules, he wants to somehow do Trogdor Trickshots like some old 80's billiards video! Check it out (far out)!

Everybody stay safe and check out the livestream if you have a chance!

Keep On Burninating On,

Matt, Missy, Mike

Kickstarter Version almost SOLD OUT! Retail version coming soon!
almost 5 years ago – Tue, Feb 11, 2020 at 12:33:48 AM

Fellow Keepers of Trogdor,

It's been forev! Hope everyone is great. It's been so amazing to see Trogdor being played and (hopefully) enjoyed out there in the world over the last several months. 

Retail Distrib-yoosh!

First some cool news! Our pals at Greater Than Games are going to distribute the retail version (see below) of Trogdor!! The Board Game. This means that in the coming months it will finally be available in gaming stores, hobby shops, and beyond! Be sure and tell your uncle who's too paranoid to make online purchases! Thanks, Greater Than Games! 

If you are a distributor, or retailer, and would like to learn more about carrying Trogdor!!, please email [email protected].

Dwindling Supply of Kickstarter Copies

Secondly, we are almost SOLD OUT of the Kickstarter versions of Trogdor. 

A sad stack to be sure!

These are the extra copies of the basic Wingaling and deluxe Burninator versions of the game from the initial Kickstarter production run. We WILL NOT be producing more copies of this version of the game. Like ever! Oh dang!

To make the game lighter, leaner, and less confusing to people that don't know who the crap Strong Bad is, the retail version that Greater Than Games will be distributing will NOT include all the Kickstarter extras like the Stack Em To The Heavens game and the wooden meeples. Instead, every copy includes the painted plastic miniatures and all other card/tile components are the same as before.

So if you want another copy of Trogdor that's exactly like the one you have, hurry up and get em before they're gone. BUY EM UP HERE! 

(psst! here's a secret! currently, if you buy the basic version and the plastic minis separately, you save 5 bucks! only difference is your box won't say "deluxe version" on the back.)

Kickstarter Pals Plugs! 

Lastly, we wanted to promote a couple current Kickstarters! First is Pineapple from Jonathan Ritter-Roderick from Lay Waste Games. He's already unlocked some game questions to be designed by our own Matt Chapman. And second is Big Bad Fables from local Atlanta game designer Raymond Serra. It's a classic-fables-themed deck building game for people that normally hate deck building games!

Keep on Burninating On,

Matt, Mike, and Missy

LAST DAY to Claim Games and Add-ons - Tuesday September 10th
over 5 years ago – Wed, Sep 04, 2019 at 03:29:55 AM

Fellow Keepers of Trogdor,  

Ugh. I should'n'ta drank all those Reesy packing peanut cup milkshakes!

With the exception of Asia and Consummate Wyrmwood backers (who will hear directly from Wyrmwood soon), shipping is either completed or in-process for all backers who finalized their surveys. If you have not received your game or at least shipping info, it is most likely because you either never completed your BackerKit survey (with address and shipping payment info) or the email address you provided via Kickstarter no longer works.

If this is the case, email us at [email protected] by Tuesday September 10th to claim your game and add-ons.

Again, the survey is an email BackerKit sent out months ago to finalize your address and shipping payment. If you did not complete it, they have sent multiple emails reminding you to respond.

We are wrapping things up at the various shipping hub warehouses around the world so the window to get games to backers who did not complete surveys is closing.

 If you DID indeed complete a BackerKit survey and do not have your rewards or at least shipment tracking info, please email [email protected].

Game Night Pics

After all that serious biz above, you all deserve some funthymes. We wanted to share a couple photos from some tricked-out Trogdor game nights you guys have thrown. Check out this amazing Trogdor game night setup from backer Derek Rose and his pal DocHobo. Signed Kick The Cheats, Suudsu, Mega Fluffypuffs! Even The Denzel made an appearance!

Are those Bronco Trolleys?! I've never been sure, do you just eat the rind?

 And backer Stephen Gardiner and friends put together these incredible marshmallow thatched-roof cottages and let Troggie roast 'em up nicetimes!

We are told there was a human hand between the paper and flame... which I think is safer.

As always, if you need anything not covered above, email us at [email protected] and we will help you on out.

Keep on Burninating On,

Missy, Mike, and Matt

General/Asia Shipping Update
over 5 years ago – Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 02:07:10 AM

Fellow Keepers of Trogdor,

General Shipping

For all backers not in Asia, you should have received a tracking number by now. If not-please email [email protected] as soon as possible.

If you have already received your game and rewards and have an issue with them (broken or missing game piece, wrong t-shirt size, duplicate items, etc.) please also email [email protected] and we will look into it for you.

Asia Shipping Update

We've received new information on Asia shipping stating that the dates we were previously given were NOT the dates that games would begin shipping to backers. Rather, they were the dates that games would begin shipping to their regional sub-hubs where they would first have to go through customs and then be processed into local warehouses before being shipped out to backers. Obviously, this has caused a delay in getting rewards to our backers in Asia. We sincerely apologize for the error and for passing on incorrect info. The current correct info is below:


South Korea




If these dates change, we will let you know. Once these orders begin shipping, tracking info should be emailed to you. If you believe you should have received tracking info already or have an issue with your order, contact your region's hub at the contact info listed above.

As always, if you have any other comments, questions or concerns-please email [email protected].

Keep on Burninating On,

Matt, Mike, and Missy

Shipping Update One Zillion
over 5 years ago – Fri, Aug 09, 2019 at 11:15:41 PM

Fellow Keepers of Trogdor,

Snakes & Lattes really hustled this week and got ALL Canadian orders out the door today! Everyone should begin receiving shipping notifications in the inbox of the email you used in BackerKit. Canadian backers, if you have not received a shipping notification by Monday 8/12, please email us at [email protected] and we will look into it for you.

This effectively ends the SHIPPING portion of the campaign (not necessarily the receiving portion, that's still in progress)! It's been an incredible 13 months with all of you! You have been the best, most patient, most supportive backers in the world.

Overall Shipping Update:

ALL BACKERS should have received a shipping notification by now. Again, please check spam folders and be sure you are checking the email you used in BackerKit.

  •  AUS/NZ - All orders shipped (not necessarily received)
  •  US - All orders shipped (not necessarily received)
  •  EU/UK - All orders shipped (not necessarily received)
  •  ASIA - All orders shipped (not necessarily received)
  •  CANADA - All orders shipped as of 8/9 (not necessarily received)

If you have not received a shipping notification or DID receive one and believe your game was not delivered properly, please email [email protected] and we will look into it for you.

Similarly, if you have already received your game and rewards and have an issue with them (broken or missing game piece, wrong t-shirt size, duplicate items, etc.) please email [email protected] and we will look into it for you. 

Other comments, questions or concerns-please email [email protected].

Who's that givin' Strong Bad a hand? The creep, the creep(y peasant).
Who's that givin' Strong Bad a hand? The creep, the creep(y peasant).

Thank you to all the backers who came by to say hello to Mike, Matt, and Strong Bad at GenCon. It was so cool meeting you all and we had a blast. Big thanks to Greater Than Games for letting a puppet wrestleman scream at passersby all weekend.

We say it a lot but thank you all for your amazing support, kindness, and patience! We are very excited for everyone to finally get their games and begin playing and (hopefully) enjoying them. It's been awesome talking strategies and answering rules questions in the Kickstarter comments and on Twitter (@strongbadactual). Please keep those coming!

If you have any other questions or issues at all, please email us at [email protected] and, you guessed it, we will look into it for you!

Keep on Burninating On,

Missy, Mike, and Matt